“Coaching works because it’s all about you. When you connect with what you really want and why – and take action – magical things can happen.”

– Emma-Louise Elsey.

positive pscyhology coaching

Positive psychology coaching has been found to improve overall life satisfaction, reduce stress, and enhance wellbeing. Individuals who complete positive psychology coaching programs report better relationships, less anxiety and higher rates of positive emotions.

At Toowoomba Positive Psychology, our certified positive psychology coach has a deep understanding of the latest research in the field of Positive Psychology. Passionate about helping people achieve their full potential, she will provide you with the guidance, support, and evidence-based practices to help you succeed

Our coaching programs are designed to help you: 

Discover your unique strengths

Create meaningful and achievable habits and goals

Build resilience and coping skills

Overcome obstacles and challenges

Increase emotional management

Define, measure and celebrate success

Improve relationships and communication

Boost productivity, engagement and achievement

Enhance your overall wellbeing 

We offer one-on-one online coaching over Zoom to enable you to access our coaching services from anywhere in the world. You can choose a time and place that best suits your needs and preferences. Our coaching programs are not a quick fix nor a one-size-fits-all approach. Together, we work on a journey of self-discovery and growth that requires commitment, openness, and dedication. Our personalised coaching sessions focus on your strengths, goals and values whilst providing practical strategies to help you overcome challenges and move towards greater wellbeing.

Start your journey to a happier, more fulfilling life today.

Contact us to schedule a consultation call to find out if Positive Psychology coaching is right for you.

“Each person holds so much power within themselves that needs to be let out. Sometimes they just need a little nudge, a little direction, a little support, a little coaching, and the greatest things can happen.”

– Pete Carroll