What is Positive Psychology?
The Impact of Positive Education in the Classroom
The Role of Positivity in Flourishing
Wellbeing and Character Building
Broaden & Build Theory of Positive Emotion
Narrow & Focus
The Science of Gratitude
Self-regulation and Willpower
Energy Depletion and Repletion
The Power of Belonging
The Importance of Building Social Capital
Buffering Stress and Increasing Resilience Through Meaning
The Value of Finding Meaning
Academic Excellence Through Positive Interventions
The Autonomic Nervous System and the Stress Response
Teaching Children to Self-soothe and Self-care
Breathing Tools to Regulate Energy
Introduction to Resilience Skills
Building Emotional Intelligence by Working with Thoughts and Feelings
Preventative Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Building Social Connections
Working with the Storytelling Brain
Help Kids Make Sense of Their World
Working Through the Past and Setting Goals for the Future
Integrating Classroom Energy Breaks
Movement and Mood/Focus
Self-Efficacy and Goal Setting
Understanding Brain Chemistry
Mental Contrasting
The 5C’s of Mindfulness/Resilience
Reframing Thoughts
Brain Biases and Heuristics
Disputing Beliefs to Build Resilience
Cultivating Curiosity as the Antidote to Judgement
Teaching Empathy and Compassion
Working with Introversion and Extroversion
Compassionate Communication
Teaching Children Thought Holes and Thinking Traps
Using Somatic Psychology
Movements for Creating Calm or Energy
Brain Regions and Worry
Understanding and Working with Worry
Tools to Deal with Worst-case Thinking
The Science of Growth Mindset
Building Growth Mindset and Redirecting Fixed Mindset
How Praise and Criticism Impacts Mindset
Shifting Mindset
The Power of Uncovering Purpose
Nurturing Passions in Children
Creating Rituals
How Habits Work
Meditation Practices for Classroom Use
Character Strengths
Strengths-based Parenting and Teaching
Understanding Flow Theory to Increase Engagement
Redirect Anxiety and Boredom into Opportunities for Flow
The Power of Basking
Building Trust and Community
Forgiveness Interventions
Understanding and Cultivating Grit in the Classroom
Tips and Strategies to Boost Motivation in the Classroom
Program Content Recap